REIKO'S Profile

■ Director of Operation, Japan Salsa Association

■ Salsa Dance instructor

■ Choreographer | Educator

■ Kimono dressing instructor


I began studying ballet at the age of 3 and began jazz dancing at the age of 16. After studying dance physics and dance theory, at the age of 19 I went to New York to study dance.


In New York, I trained in general dance techniques at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Martha Graham Dance Company, Merce Cunningham Dance Company, Broadway Dance Center, and Steps.


After returning to Japan, I worked as a dancer appearing in TV shows and commercials. I also work as a choreographer for aspiring actors, singers, and  young idols.


In 1997, I worked at NHK(Japan's National Public Broadcasting Organization) as assistant to the Japanese comedian "Lucky Ikeda", and in 2000 I started focusing on salsa dance.


In 2000, I started teaching salsa dance.


In 2002 I was a member of a salsa performance team that was the opening act on the stage of Miss Universe Japan. Then I started working as a salsa dance instructor at Dance Studio Casino in Roppongi, Tokyo.


In 2006, I became a certified salsa instructor, certified by Josie Neglia a certifying salsa instructor in Los Angeles, USA.


In 2007, I started performing in Los Angeles, South Korea (Seoul), Hong Kong, etc.


In 2012, I organized a ladies shine team “ADEJO”, that won first place in the team division at the “Japan Cup” (salsa competition).


In 2013, I started working as a kimono dressing instructor and kimono concierge.


In 2014, I became a director of the Japan Salsa Association/a designated salsa dance instructor approved by the National Public Safety Commission.


In 2015, I hosted the Caribbean dance show at the 35th Imperial Highness Prince Mikasa Cup All Japan Dance-Sport Championships.  I choreographed the “Bride Of The World Japan”produced by Yumi Katsura (Japanese top wedding dress designer).


My unique method and humorous lessons, which make use of my dance experience from an early age, have been well-received, and I have been involved in many team productions.


Former Meiji University Salsa Circle Chief Advisor.


I currently reside in Norfolk, Virginia USA


3才よりバレエを習い16才よりジャズダンスを始める。舞踊身体学、ダンス理論 を学んだのち19才でNYへ渡る。Alvin Ailey舞踊団、Martha Graham舞踊団、Broadway Dance Center、Stepsなど数多くのカンパニーでダンス全般のテクニックを積む。帰国後はTV、CM、ショーなどに出演しダンサー、振り付け師として多くの作品を手がける。




2000年に開催されたJapan Salsa CongressでのSpecial Performanceで優秀な評価を受け、2001年L.AのSalsa CongressにCuba&Japan Teamとして出場


2002年、東京、六本木のダンススタジオカシーノで講師としてサルサダンスの指導を開始 /





2006年アメリカ・ロサンゼルスにてジョシー・ネグリア 公認サルサインストラクターとなる




2012年、Japan Cupにおいて自らのプロデュースする女性シャインチーム ADEJOが見事優勝




2014年 日本サルサ協会 理事に就任し、広報を担当すると同時に日本サルサ協会認定資格の『サルサダンス検定』を立ち上げる /   国家公安委員会承認 サルサダンス特定指導員となる


2015年  第35回 三笠宮杯にて カリビアンダンスショーの司会を担当/ Blide Of The World Japan (桂由美 衣裳プロデュース)の振り付けを担当


幼い頃からのダンス経験を生かした独自のメソッドとユーモア溢 れるレッスンが好評で数多くのチームプロデュースも手掛ける



